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Dating > Python pocket reference на русском скачать
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For more details, check out its. Уберите галочки которые могут стоять для установки дополнительных программ. Находить и скачивать новинки кино в HDRip и BDRip качестве через tparser намного проще! As for its prior editions, this book is intended to serve as a quick reference supplement and companion to other books such as , filling in the gaps in details omitted elsewhere.
This pocket reference covers the latest Python release 2. Reviews Author: Mark Lutz Pub Date: 2014 ISBN: Pages: 264 Language: English Format: PDF Size: 10 Mb Updated for both Python 3. Python SQL Database API Portable relational database access Python idioms and hints Common coding and usage patterns Among this edition's new material are super and MRO coverage; formal algorithms of inheritance, indentation, imports, and context managers; and new standard library modules including json and timeit. It's portable, powerful, and remarkably easy to use. В лаконичной форме здесь представлены все необходимые сведения о типах данных и операторах Python, специальных методах, встроенных функциях и исключениях, наиболее употребительных стандартных библиотечных модулях и других примечательных языковых средствах Python. Уберите галочки которые могут стоять для установки дополнительных программ. Данное справочное пособие написано Марком Лутцом известным и широко признанным во всем мире инструктором по Python. Highly recommend for new and experienced Pythonists! Use of the language has been growing at. Начните скачивать торрент Python Reference прямо сейчас! Most of these books will contain short, highly condensed introductions to Python, and if you're an experienced programmer these titles may be all you need. It is specifically based on 3.
X, this book also applies to both the prior and current editions , whose applications focus serves as a follow-up to Learning Python. Файлы для обмена на трекере предоставлены пользователями сайта, и администрация не несёт ответственности за их содержание. Hundreds of thousands of Python developers around the world rely on Python for general-purpose tasks, Internet scripting, systems programming, user interfaces, and product customization.
Page - The handy index lets you pinpoint exactly what you need.
This new 260-page edition has been updated and expanded to cover both Python 3. This edition has also been expanded substantially with new topics and material, as described in. It's the most comprehensive and complete version of this book to date. As for its prior editions, this book is intended to serve as a quick reference supplement and companion to other books such as , filling in the gaps in details omitted elsewhere. Its dual-version coverage also provides a resource for programmers migrating to Python 3. X, now or in the future. Python Pocket Reference, 5th Edition is available in print, ebook, and online forms from bookstores and online retailers, including Amazon and O'Reilly. For purchase options and links, please see the page. Python SQL Database API Portable relational database access Python idioms and hints Common coding and usage patterns Among this edition's new material are super and MRO coverage; formal algorithms of inheritance, indentation, imports, and context managers; and new standard library modules including json and timeit. For more details, check out its. Related Books This book is designed to be a reference-only extension to other Python books, including the foundations tutorial text , whose latest editions similarly cover both Python 3. Because it covers both Python 2. X, this book also applies to both the prior and current editions , whose applications focus serves as a follow-up to Learning Python.